Black and white image of a man sitting on a table

The Dr. Donald Brown Servant Leadership Award

91% Donated
Goal : $10,000.00
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Award Contributors

  • Dr. Earl J. Edwards
  • Hon. Grace E. Lee
  • Rafael Torres
  • Cinque Dunham Carson
  • Eatonia Davis
  • Dr. Clarence G. Williams
  • Leah Horton
  • Alicia Martinez Melton
  • MacCalvin Romain
  • Dr. Elianny C. Edwards
  • Akash Tharani
  • Dr. Treseanne Ainsworth
  • Bo Wen
  • Okello Carter
  • Ashley Woods
  • Ngoc Doan
  • Charlie Mangiardi
  • Dr. Warren Chiang
  • Patrick Zhou
  • Shelley Stewart III
  • Nicole Borruso
  • Jeanette Mostafa
  • Nichole Payne
  • Talal Rojas
  • Dr. Natacha and Wes Davis
  • Kristopher Robinson
  • Yuriy Pavlish
  • Dr. Jeans Santana
  • Anthony Esponda
  • Tim DaCosta
  • Sandra Dickerson
  • Dudney Sylla
  • Ashley Nguyen
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Krystal Astwood
  • Susan Choy
  • Katherine Kim
  • Shawn Taylor
  • Robert Cathcart III
  • Brandon Jackson
  • Nora Frias
  • Rajwantie Sahai
  • Dr. Rossanna Contreras-Godfrey
  • Courtney Walker
  • Dr. Lauri Johnson
  • Boston College LSEHD
    Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education
  • Dr. Rossanna Contreras-Godfrey
  • Rajwantie Sahai
  • Nora Frias
  • Boston College LSEHD
    Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education
  • Courtney Walker
  • Brandon Jackson
  • Robert Cathcart III
  • Shawn Taylor
  • Susan Choy
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Krystal Astwood
  • Ashley Nguyen
  • Hon. Grace E. Lee
  • Cinque Dunham Carson
  • Eatonia Davis
  • Dr. Clarence G. Williams
  • Leah Horton
  • Alicia Martinez Melton
  • Sandra Dickerson
  • Dudney Sylla
  • Tim DaCosta
  • Dr. Earl J. Edwards
  • Anthony Esponda
  • MacCalvin Romain
  • Dr. Jeans Santana
  • Kristopher Robinson
  • Yuriy Pavlish
  • Dr. Elianny C. Edwards
  • Talal Rojas
  • Katherine Kim
  • Shelley Stewart III
  • Jeanette Mostafa
  • Dr. Natacha and Wes Davis
  • Nichole Payne
  • Akash Tharani
  • Dr. Treseanne Ainsworth
  • Bo Wen
  • Okello Carter
  • Ashley Woods
  • Ngoc Doan
  • Charlie Mangiardi
  • Dr. Warren Chiang
  • Patrick Zhou
  • Nicole Borruso
  • Rafael Torres
  • Dr. Lauri Johnson

The Dr. Donald Brown Servant Leadership Award

A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. A servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first, and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. Dr. Donald Brown is the epitome of a servant leader.


The late Dr. Donald Brown was a dedicated advocate for educational opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color. Through his professional positions at Umass Amherst, Boston College, and Azusa Pacific University, he dedicated his adult life to creating educational pathways for youth on the margins. In 1979,  Dr. Brown co-created and shepherded the college bridge program at Boston College called the Options Through Education Program. For over forty years, the program supported enrollment and matriculation through Boston College for thousands of students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or other People of Color. 
In addition to his professional work at universities, he dedicated his personal time to creating youth development programs for Black kids. In 1989, Dr. Brown cofounded the Massachusetts chapter of Concerned Black Men with the mission “To Improve the Quality of the Black Community by Reaffirming the Vitality of the Black Male.”
The Dr. Donald Brown Servant Leadership Award is a testament to the legacy of Dr. Brown’s service. The Award is hosted by Concerned Black Men of Los Angeles and funded by the individuals directly or indirectly impacted by Dr. Brown’s leadership. 

Close up image of a man wearing a spectacle

Dr. Donald Brown

Testimonials of Dr. Brown Servant Leadership

  • While I did not meet Dr. Donald Brown at Boston College, I was the benefactor of his labor through my enrollment in the Options Through Education Summer Transitional Program. I didn’t meet Dr. Brown until moving to Los Angeles four years after graduating college. Despite him having a new job at Azuza Pacific University and me being several years removed from graduating BC undergrad, he volunteered to mentor me at one of my lowest points. We met weekly at his LA office, and he spoke confidence in me, helped me find purpose through community service, and he pushed me to pursue my doctorate degree. I would not be where I am today if it was not for Dr. Brown’s grace.
    Dr. Earl J. Edwards
    2006 OTE Alumnus, Assistant Professor at Boston College
  • I feel so honored and grateful to support the legacy of Dr. Donald Brown. Dr. Brown has been a tremendous part of my life even before I ever met him. The unwavering support and empowerment he’s provided my husband throughout the years continue to resonate deeply through the core of our partnership, our careers, and our family.  Dr. Brown has faithfully guided us through difficult transitions and celebrated every milestone with genuine love and joy. From him, I learned to live life with a strong sense of purpose and utmost integrity. We are better for ourselves and others because of Dr. Brown.

    Dr. Elianny C. Edwards
    Visiting Assistant Professor at Boston College
  • An absolute legend of a man, responsible for creating what can only be described as one of the largest, most welcoming, caring and loving, educated and most successful student population in all of academia. Thank you, Dr. Brown, for creating a home where all students, regardless of color, race, age, orientation and economic background can gather to collaborate, think, grow, love and learn together. Although lost, you will never be forgotten for the lives you have touched in an absolutely immeasurable way. Thank you, God bless, rest in peace sir.

    Paul Bonitto Jr.
    2010 OTE Alumnus

The Dr. Donald Brown Servant Leadership 2023 Award Winner

A news cover with asha bailey standing with a man and all the details given
Asha bailey description with her photo with white background

The Dr. Donald Brown Servant Leadership Award Eligibility

Description of the Award

Every year the Award honors up to two high school students 11th grade students who, throughout their academic careers, have demonstrated academic excellence and servant leadership. Winners of the Dr. Brown Servant Leadership Award reflect the character and integrity Dr. Donald Brown showed through his life’s work of service. 


Each awardee will receive a $500 stipend in the form of a personalized check from Concerned Black Men of Los Angeles.

Scholarship Eligibility
  • Currently in the 11th grade and attends a public high school in Los Angeles County
  • Has demonstrated a commitment to community service and service for others
  • Has a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher 
  • Identifies as Black or African American
Applications are due Wednesday, May 14th, 2025