Group image of so many people wearing white dress

Concerned Black Men General Funds

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A New Future for Black America

There are challenges in the Black community.

Challenges created centuries ago with the enslavement, segregation, and disenfranchisement of Black men and women in every facet of American society. And those effects are still felt today, most notably, in Black youth.


In Los Angeles County, where median household income for Black adults is only $40,650—roughly $15,000 less than the county’s average, 20% of LA-county African-American families live in poverty, and 60% of those households are only supported by single mothers, these challenges can seem near-insurmountable in the face of ongoing discrimination.


But they aren’t.


For the past 17 years, CBMLA has worked with at-risk Black youth to provide academic support, career enrichment, and positive Black role models in the Los Angeles County area.
People icon in black color with no background


Youth Served

So many raising hands with no background


Active Mentors and Volunteers

Hands with dollar sign over hand and no background


in Scholarships Raised

At CBMLA, we believe the future of Black America rests in its youth. A future where experienced Black men and women reach back to provide wisdom, mentorship, and a helping hand to the next generation so they can rise to a higher position than the generation before them.


Two boys playing games

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Adding Momentum to the Movement

One of the greatest challenges when it comes to addressing issues in the Black community is time. Change takes time. It’s taken more than 400 years to reach where we are today. So, it’ll take a little longer to push us farther than that. At CBMLA, our eyes are set on generational swings—because that’s what it’ll take. It’s the act of pushing our youth just a little farther than the generation before them. And that requires commitment, active investment, and time. 

If you’d like to be a part of that mission and help fuel the academic and professional prosperity of the next generation of Black youth, we welcome anything you’re willing to give.

If you’d like to help empower the future of Black youth, we welcome anything you’re willing to give. 

Thanks for joining the movement.


Hand together logo with no background

Helping Hand

I can give enough to help out
$5/ MO
A logo of a hand with a heart on it in black with a transparent background

My Brother's Keepers

I feel blessed and ready to give
$15/ MO
Logo with some people between hands and no background

Community Steward

Your mission is my mission
$50/ MO
Choose from one of the following four levels of sponsorship.

Become a Business or Private Sponsor for our Program

Platinum Sponsorship
Sponsorship plaque of recognition
Logo on CBMLA website and link
Recognition at CBMLA events
Ability to distribute flyer at CBMLA events, workshops, sponsorship table, and leave coupons.
Invitation to speaking at the award ceremony
Certificate & photo with CBMLA board member (President & Senior Vice President)
Logo & business name of e-newsletter
Logo & business name on t-shirts and flyers
Gold Sponsorship
Sponsorship plaque of recognition
Logo on CBMLA website and link
Recognition at CBMLA events
Ability to distribute flyer at CBMLA events, workshops, sponsorship table, and leave coupons.
Logo & business name of e-newsletter
Silver Sponsorship
Sponsorship plaque of recognition
Recognition at CBMLA events

For more information on how you can support CBMLA, contact Tony McCuller at 714-815-8254 or [email protected]

Thank you to the generous organizations and individuals who have donated to support our programming

Current Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Variety charity logo
KNBC logo
LA Clippers logo
AT&T logo
Weingart Foundation logo
Stamp of Approval icon
S. Mark Taper Foundation logo
Black peace officers association, Los Angeles County

Gold Sponsors

John Langston with a logo and white background
The Ecung family logo and white background
Black Employees at Sony Pictures Entertainment with transparent background
Black Employees at Sony Pictures Entertainment
Learn4 life logo with white background


Who is Concerned Black Men of Los Angeles?

The Concerned Black Men Los Angeles Chapter (CBMLA) was established in 2003 as a 501(C) (3) non-profit  organization. Since organized, CBMLA has strived to provide quality youth and adult services within African American communities throughout the Greater Los Angeles area.

What is the mission of Concerned Black Men of Los Angeles?

We seek to unite African American men and women to empower the next generation of black youth for the betterment of our communities.

What are names of the youth development programs I can donate to?

From the home page, you will see three youth development programs you donate to. The name of the programs are Welcome to Manhood, Welcome to Womanhood and Emerging Leaders.

Where does my money actually go?

Every dollar we receive is put to work in service of our mentees. Since much of our staff are retired or volunteers, you can rest assured that each dollar you donate is funding a scholarship, college tour, or youth development program directly.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes. CBMLA is a 501(C) (3) non-profit organization.

How can I volunteer with the Concerned Black Men of Los Angeles?

Go to the Get Involved tab on the CBMLA website. Then go to New Member/Mentor Application. After you complete the application, you will hear from the Membership Chair with CBMLA.